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Chương trình SDS (Study Direct Stream) miễn chứng minh tài chính được thông qua tại Việt Nam hứa hẹn sẽ có sự tham gia những cơ sở giáo dục dưới đây.



Chương trình SDS (Study Direct Stream) – Du học Canada miễn chứng minh tài chính đã được chính thức đưa vào hoạt động từ ngày 15/3/2018 và sẽ thay thế chương trình CES (Canada Express Study) cùng các yêu cầu như:

- Đăng kí một khóa học toàn thời gian tại một trong các cơ sở giáo dục sau phổ thông (post-secondary institution) có mã DLI trên lãnh thổ Canada

- Có chứng chỉ IELTS (còn hạn) từ 6.0 trở lên, trong đó không có kỹ năng nào dưới 6.0

- Đóng học phí một năm học

- Đặc cọc CAD$10,000 tại ngân hàng Scotiabank để chi trả sinh hoạt phí cho năm học đầu tiên

- Nộp hồ sơ xin thị thực 60 ngày trước ngày nhập học

- Khám sức khỏe ít nhất một tuần trước ngày nộp hồ sơ xin thị thực tại nơi được chỉ định

SDS hứa hẹn mở ra nhiều cơ hội học tập hơn cho du học sinh Việt. Ưu điểm lớn nhất của SDS là cho phép sinh viên Việt Nam nhập học tất cả các cơ sở giáo dục sau phổ thông (post-secondary institution) có mã DLI trên lãnh thổ Canada. Các bạn sinh viên sẽ có nhiều lựa chọn về trường hơn, qua đó hoàn toàn có khả năng đăng kí vào những Đại học hàng đầu.


Những cơ sở giáo dục có mã DLI của Canada tham gia chương trình SDS:

- Tỉnh bang Alberta

ABM College of Business and Technology

Academy of Learning Calgary

Academy of Learning Edmonton

Academy of Learning Edmonton South

Academy of Learning Medicine Hat

Academy of Learning Red Deer

Alberta Bible College

Alberta Caregiving Institute

Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Alberta College of Art + Design

Ambrose University

Athabasca University

Bow Valley College

Burman University

CLI College of Business, Health & Technology

CPA Western School of Business

Calgary College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Calgary Flight Training Centre (CFTC)

Cambrooks College

Campbell College

Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary and College

Centennial Flight Centre, Inc.

Columbia College

Concordia Lutheran Seminary

Concordia University of Edmonton

Cypress College Inc.

Digital School

ERP Technical College

Elevated Learning Academy Inc.

Evergreen College Calgary

Grande Prairie Regional College

Grant MacEwan University

InnoTech College

Keyano College

LR Helicopters Inc.

Lakeland College

Lethbridge College

MC College

MH Vicars School of Massage Therapy Ltd

MaKami College Inc.

Maple Leaf Academy

Medicine Hat College

Montair Aviation

Mount Royal University

NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology)

National Institute of Wellness and Esthetics Inc

Newman Theological College

NorQuest College

Northern Lakes College

Olds College

Pixel Blue College Inc

Portage College

Prairie Bible Institute

Red Deer College

Rocky Mountain College

School of Alberta Ballet

Sky Wings Aviation Academy

Sol Schools International

Solomon College

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT Polytechnic)

Springbank Air Training College

St. Mary’s University

St. Stephen’s College (U of Alberta Campus)

Super T Aviation Academy

Synergy Flight Training Inc

TLC Edmonton: Training for Live-in Caregivers

Taylor College and Seminary

The Esthetic Institute Training Center

The King’s University

Timberline Canadian Alpine Academy

University of Alberta

University of Calgary

University of Lethbridge

Vanguard College

Wholistic Health Training & Research Centre Ltd


- Tỉnh bang British Columbia

Academy of Learning College

Acsenda School of Management

Adler University

Advantage English School E/J

Alexander College

Arbutus College

Ashton College

Automotive Training Centre

Aveda Institute Vancouver

BC College of Optics

Blue Bird Flight Academy

Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine

Brighton College

British Columbia Institute of Technology

CG Masters School of 3D Animation & VFX

Camber College

Cambria College

Cambridge College

Camosun College

Can-Quest ESL Academy

Canadian Aviation College

Canadian Baptist Seminary

Canadian College

Canadian College of English Language

Canadian College of Performing Arts

Canadian Flight Centre (CFC)

Canadian Health Care Academy

Canadian Second Language Institute

Canadian Tourism College

Capilano University

Capital College

Career City College

Carey Theological College

Catholic Pacific College

Central College

Centre for Arts and Technology

Chinook Helicopters

City University of Seattle

Cloud Nine College Ltd.

Coastal Pacific Aviation

College of the Rockies

Columbia Bible College

Columbia College

Coquitlam College

Cornerstone International Community College of Canada

Corpus Christi College

Discovery Community College

College of New Caledonia

Dominion Herbal College

Dorset College

Douglas College

Drake Medox College

EC Vancouver

EF International Language Centers

ELS Language Centers

Eaton Cognitive Improvement Centre

Emily Carr University of Art and Design

Eton College

Eurocentres Vancouver

Fairleigh Dickinson University (Vancouver)

First College

Focus College

Franklin English Language College

Fraser International College

Gastown Business College

Gateway College

Global College

Global Village Vancouver

Goh Ballet Academy

Grandesco College

Granville College

Greystone College of Business and Technology

Hanson International Academy

Heli-College Canada Training Inc.

Heritage Community College

IH Career College

ILAC International College

ILSC Vancouver

ISS Language and Career College of BC

Imperial Hotel Management College

In Focus Film School

Institute of Technology Development of Canada (ITD)

Interior Academy

International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver

International Flight Centre Inc.

International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC)

Island Coastal Aviation Inc.

JCI Institute

Juillet College

Justice Institute of British Columbia

Kaplan International Vancouver

Kelowna College of Professional Counselling

Kootenay Columbia College of Integrative Health Sciences

Kosmetae Academy

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Langara College

Langley Flying School

Legends Academy

Living Language Institute Foundation

London School of Hairdressing & Aesthetics

Madlab School of Fitness

Mark Anthony Academy of Cosmetology

Metropolitan Community College

Montair Aviation

Montessori Training Centre of British Columbia

New Image College

New Link College

New York Institute of Technology

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology

Nimbus School of Recording & Media

North Island College

Northern Lights College

Northwest Baptist Seminary

Northwest Community College

Northwest Culinary Academy of Vancouver

OHC Vancouver

Okanagan College

Omni College

Orca Institute

Oshio College of Acupuncture and Herbology

Pacific Coast Community College

Pacific DanceArts

Pacific Design Academy

Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts

Pacific Life Bible College

Pacific Link College

Pacific Rim Aviation Academy

Pacific Rim College

Pacific Rim Early Childhood Institute

Pearson College UWC

Pioneer College

Principal Air

Professional Flight Centre

Q College

Quantum Learning Academy

Quest University Canada

RED Academy

Regent College

Rhodes Wellness College

Ridge Meadows College

Royal Roads University

SAE Institute

SELC Career College Vancouver

SELC English Language Centre Canada

Saint Elizabeth Health Career College


Sea Land Air Flight Centre

Selkirk College

Seminary of Christ the King

Senniyo Aesthetics International School of Canada

Shinobi School of CG

Simon Fraser University (SFU)

SkyQuest Aviation Ltd.

Sprott Shaw College

Sprott Shaw Language College

St. George International College

Stenberg College

Sterling College

Suki’s Advanced Hair Academy

Summit Pacific College

Tamwood Careers

Tamwood Language Centre

Taylor Pro Training

The Hair Art Academy

The Institute of Holistic Nutrition

Think Tank Training Centre

Thompson Rivers University

Universal Learning Institute

University Canada West

University of British Columbia (UBC)

University of Northern British Columbia

University of Victoria

University of the Fraser Valley

VGC International College

VanWest College

Vancouver Academy of Dramatic Arts

Vancouver Academy of Music

Vancouver Animation School

Vancouver Career College

Vancouver College of Massage Therapy

Vancouver Community College

Vancouver Film School

Vancouver Institute of Media Arts (VanArts)

Vancouver International College

Vancouver Island School of Art

Vancouver Island University

Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management

Vancouver School of Theology

Victoria Academy of Ballet

Victoria Academy of Dramatic Arts

Victoria College of Art

Victoria Conservatory of Music

Westcoast Adventure College

Western Community College

Western Maritime Institute

Windsong College of Healing Arts

Winston College

Yorkville University


- Tỉnh bang Manitoba

Assiniboine Community College

Booth University College

Brandon University

Canadian Baptist Bible College

Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Studies

Canadian Mennonite University

Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Manitoba

Harv’s Air Service

Heartland International English School

Interlake Aviation Ltd

International College of Manitoba

Living Word Bible College

Louis Riel School Division Arts and Technology Centre

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology

Mid-Ocean School of Media Arts (Audio in Media)

Patal Vocational Preparation Schools Ltd. (Culinary Arts Level One)

Providence University College and Theological Seminary

Red River College (Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology)

Roberston College (Logisitcs and Supply Chain Management)

Roberston College (Pharmacy Technician)

Robertson College (Medical Laboratory Assistant)

Royal Winnipeg Ballet School

School of Contemporary Dancers

School of Ministers (Southland Church)

St. Andrew’s College (St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg)

Steinbach Bible College (Steinbach Bible College Inc.)

Université de Saint-Boniface

University College of the North

University of Manitoba

University of Winnipeg

Winnipeg Aviation (Winnipeg Aviation (2003) Ltd.)


- Tỉnh bang New Brunswick

Atlantic Business College Ltd.

Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB)

Crandall University

DaVinci College of Art & Design NB Ltd.

Eastern College

Kingswood University

Maritime College of Forest Technology / Collège de Technologie Forestière des Maritimes

McKenzie College

McKenzie College Language Learning Centre

Moncton Flight College

Mount Allison University

New Brunswick Bible Institute Inc.

New Brunswick College of Craft and Design

New Brunswick Community College (NBCC)

Northeast Christian College

Oulton College

St. Stephen’s University

St. Thomas University

Université de Moncton

University of New Brunswick

St. Stephen’s University

St. Thomas University

Université de Moncton


- Tỉnh bang Newfoundland and Labrador

Academy Canada

Centre for Nursing Studies

College of the North Atlantic

Gander Flight Training (Exploits Valley Air Service)

Keyin College

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Queen’s College

Western Regional School of Nursing


- Tỉnh bang Northwest Territories

Aurora College


- Tỉnh bang Nova Scotia

Academy of Learning College - Halifax

Acadia University

Apex Language and Career College

CLLC Halifax

Cape Breton University

Da Vinci Centre of Arts and Design

Dalhousie University

Dalhousie University ESL Programs

East Coast Language College

Eastern College

Halifax Language Institute of Canada

ICT Northumberland College

International Language Institute

Island Career Academy

Maritime Business College

McKenzie College

Mount Saint Vincent University

NSCAD University (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design)

Nova Scotia Community College

Nova Scotia Fire Fighters School

Saint Mary’s University

St. Francis Xavier University

Success College of Applied Arts and Technology

Université Sainte-Anne

University of King’s College


- Tỉnh bang Ontario

Académie de Dessin de Mode Richard Robinson Academy of Fashion Design

Academy of Learning Career and Business College

Academy of Learning Career and Business College

Algoma University

Algonquin College

Anderson College of Health, Business and Technology

Brock University

CDI College of Business, Technology and Healthcare

Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology

Canada Christian College & School of Graduate Theological Studies

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

Canadian Forces College

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC)

Canadore College

Carleton University

Centennial College

Chef School

Collège Boréal

Conestoga College

Confederation College

Conrad Grebel University College

Discovery Aviation Academy

Durham College

Emmanuel College of Victoria University

FaithWay Baptist College of Canada

Fanshawe College

Fleming College

George Brown College

Georgian College

Herzing College

Humber College

Huntington University (Laurentian University)

Huron University College

Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies

Kikkawa College

King’s University College

Knox College

La Cité collégiale

LaSalle College School of Design

Lakehead University

Lambton College

Laurentian University

Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute

Liaison College

Loyalist College

Master’s College and Seminary

Max the Mutt College of Animation, Art & Design

McMaster Divinity College

McMaster University

Mohawk College

Ner Israel Joseph (J.T.) Tanenbaum Yeshivah College of Toronto

Niagara College Canada

Nipissing University

North American College of Pharmaceutical Technology

Northern College

Ottawa School of Art / École d’art d’Ottawa

Queen’s University

RAC Digital Arts College, Recording Arts Canada

Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts

Redeemer University College

Regis College

Renison University College

Royal Military College of Canada

Ryerson University

Sault College

Seneca College

Sheridan College

Six Nations Polytechnic

St. Clair College

St. George International College

St. Jerome’s University (University of Waterloo)

St. Lawrence College

St. Thomas Flight Centre

Stanford International College of Business and Technology

Thorneloe University (Laurentian University)

Toronto Business College

Toronto Film School

Trent University

Travel College Canada

Trillium College

Tyndale University College & Seminary

Université Saint-Paul/St. Paul University

Université de Hearst

Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa

University of Guelph

University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)

University of St. Michael’s College

University of Toronto

University of Trinity College

University of Waterloo

Victoria College in Victoria University (University of Toronto)

Western University

Westervelt College

Wilfrid Laurier University

Wilfrid Laurier University

York University


- Tỉnh bang Quebec

Bishop’s University

CDE Collège

Cargair ltée

Cégep de Chicoutimi

Cégep de Jonquière

Cégep de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles

Cégep de La Pocatière

Cégep de Rimouski

Cégep de Saint-Jérôme

Cégep de Saint-Laurent

Cégep de Sainte-Foy

Cégep de Sept-Îles

Cégep de Sherbrooke

Cégep de Trois-Rivières

Cégep de Victoriaville

Cégep Édouard-Montpetit

Cégep Garneau

Cégep Heritage College

Cégep John Abbott College

Cégep Limoilou

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Cégep régional de Lanaudière

Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu

Centennial College

Centre for Nursing Studies

Champlain Regional College

Collège André-Grasset

Collège de Maisonneuve

Collège Montmorency

College Shawinigan

LaSalle College

McGill University

Royal Military College Saint-Jean

Vanier College

Université Laval

Université de Montréal

Université de Sherbrooke

Université du Québec

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières


- Tỉnh bang Prince Edward Island

Collège de l’Île

Holland College

Maritime Christian College

University of Prince Edward Island


- Tỉnh bang Saskatchewan

Academy of Fashion Design

Collège Mathieu

College of Emmanuel and St Chad

Cumberland College

Eston College

Great Plains College

Horizon College and Seminary Inc.

Lutheran Theological Seminary

Millennium Aviation

Parkland College

Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Saskatoon Business College

St. Andrew’s College

St. Peter’s College

University of Regina, including Campion College, First Nations University of Canada and Luther College

University of Saskatchewan, including St. Thomas More College


- Tỉnh bang Yukon

Yukon College


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